Customize Your Acquisition Journey with REDA Acquisition Manager

Customize Your Acquisition Journey with REDA Acquisition Manager

Verwaltung von Immobilien

Customize Your Acquisition Journey with REDA Acquisition Manager

Real estate sales are long and challenging. Several factors affect the client onboarding process, conversions, and getting ROI. This makes it necessary for Property Owners or Property Managers to build cost-effective customer acquisition strategies that can help them get faster ROI. There are different ways to create compelling customer acquisition strategies irrespective of your real estate business size. Because a real estate sale is a big ticket, you cannot compare it with other retail product sales. That's why there are lower conversion rates as compared to other categories.

This is how it should look like. The picture has been obtained from REDA Project Management Software For Real Estate.


Considering the time, energy, and cost involved in customer acquisition, Property Managers must have an effective client acquisition strategy, and below are some great ways to build a robust plan.

  • Knowing Your Client Is Important: Knowing your clients is the foremost thing that you need to master. Think about your prospects, their demographics, income, preferences, etc., when you invest your time and efforts in the right customer. It will definitely help you generate outstanding ROI through sales efforts.
  • Know About Their Existence: Just the way you define your target clients, it's important to know where they actually exist. You need to find the right marketing channels to understand where your clients spend most of their time. Whether it's social media platforms or a specific email newsletter, think more to discover where you can find your customers and how to reach them well.
  • Define Customer Acquisition Cost: Many Property Owners have been spending more than their planned budgets on customer acquisition. This is because they either need to learn how much they are spending or know how to reduce their expenditure. Divide your total expenses on sales and marketing by the number of clients you onboard by spending that small amount. Initially, it isn't easy to calculate, but you can estimate the costs better when you surpass your client acquisition.

As a property owner, your success depends on your customer acquisition efficiency. If you cannot manually handle the complexity of customer acquisition, you can find an Acquisition Manager for your real estate business.

Choosing REDA As Your Acquisition Manager

REDA is the most reliable Acquisition Manager to enable your growth with a centric and diligent acquisition strategy. REDA's acquisition manager streamlines your portfolio expansion journey from asset management to closing.

This property management ERP tracks and manages assets, ROI, and performance, which are all connected to your CRM, accounting, leasing, selling, and Property Management.

Steps Involved in the Customer Acquisition Journey

Customer expectations are always on the high side. REDA can be the best solution for your real estate needs. With the shared view of every customer on Property Management CTM software, you can increase the net results faster than ever. 

Identify | Inspect | Appraise

REDA has an open design that allows easy integrations with your local MLS systems and feeds in asset acquisition prospects effortlessly. Acquisition Prospects, template-driven underwriting, inspection, and P&L workflows will enable you to set the right ROI expectations.

Estimate | Underwrite | Offer

With REDA, you can define "Profit & Holding" rules at the neighborhood level for different property types. Our MAO calculator accepts these rules and automatically presents you with the maximum offer you can make for any given asset. With REDA acquisition manager, you can create seamless underwriting workflows; connect to unified inventory and portfolio management. It allows one-click conversion to acquisition opportunity and management & approval processes. 


Build | Renovate | Turn

Even before getting a hold on the asset, a well-defined "Exit Strategy" removes exposure to risks. REDA offers tools and workflows to plan your Exit Strategy and execute it once the asset is acquired. Also, REDA Acquisition workflows are connected flawlessly to Construction/Rent/Tenant project management workflows, thus keeping all your tasks under a single context. REDA ROI analysis tools examine anticipated returns/expenses, thus allowing you to optimize your planning & execution.


Funds Management

The Lending Management module of REDA helps you plan and implement debt management integrated with accounting workflows. Now, funds Management is connected seamlessly with Acquisitions and Property Management. This is not only tremendous but also saves time & cost. Now you can get everything under a single roof, such as: 

  • Connected Acquisition Closing workflows
  • Debt Optimization & Replacement
  • Debt Portfolio Management 
  • Debt Repayments
  • Escrow Funds
  • Funds Management
  • Multi Loan Management

Agreements| Closing | Legal

Whether you create rental or leasing agreements or need closing reports of the year, REDA property management software allows you to do so without much complication. There are several other benefits that you can enjoy using REDA, such as:

  • One-click template-driven Agreements
  • Electronic Signatures
  • Closing & Binder Title Management
  • Closing Dues & Settlements
  • Centralized Document Repository
  • Property Ownership Management 

Apart from these steps, REDA gives you a feature to customize your customer acquisition journey.



Because REDA is an ERP For Real Estate that runs on Salesforce, it offers API to enable you to integrate them into your existing solutions. Such integration may allow decision-making based on the data related to different aspects of the business. Dynamic and customer-centered experiences always lead to increased conversions and better ROI.

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