REDA Enterprise Accounting

Native Enterprise Accounting tailored for Real Estate

REDA Real Estate Accounting Software built on our centralized platform, unleashes significant potential for automating your accounting processes, ensuring a high degree of accuracy, adherence to the legal compliances, and effortless management of complex financial setups easily.

Anne Roireau

Unlock the power of connected accounting With Real Estate Investment Accounting Software!

REDA’s property management accounting software simplifies the Real Estate industry's complex challenges by connecting the accounting processes with core CRM, Leasing, Property Management, Acquisitions, and Operations.

Leverage a flexible accounting setup with our accounting software for real estate investors to address your unique compliance, taxes, and regulatory requirements seamlessly with REDA.

Enterprise Accounting
General Ledger

General Ledger Accounts

Supports both Cash and Accrual Accounting.

Multi-Company Management.

Transaction and Budget Ledgers

Multiple Accounting Dimensions

Tax Accounting

Multi-currency management

Fixed Asset Accounting

Accounting Periods management

Accounting controls and approvals


Manage multiple Bank and Credit Card Accounts

Bank Reconciliation Management.

Bank Statement Import.

Transaction Reconciliation Automations.

Bank Direct Connect

Electronic Fund Transfer Instructions (EFT)

Payroll File Import 

Bank Deposits Management

Accounting software for property developers offers Open APIs for system integration.

AR, AP, and Cash Flow

Real estate bookkeeping software for easy billings and Revenue Management.

Cash Receipts Management and Application Controls.

Payables Approvals and Posting.

Cash Disbursement Management. 

Transaction voiding and fees.

Receivables and Payables Aging.

Cash Flow Statements. 

Integrated Banking

Real Estate Lease Accounting Software

“Customizable, scalable, and future-ready!”

Define and implement your leasing policies tailored for diverse geographies and portfolio types. Allow REDA real estate lease accounting software to automate and effortlessly manage the intricate aspects of your lease accounting including rent rolls, late fees, monthly charges, utilities, security deposits, and miscellaneous expenses.

Lease Accounting
Accurate Rent Rolls

Comprehensive and automated rent roll management driven by your leasing policies, tax rules,and lease agreements.

Unmatched support for monthly, weekly, and daily rent roll processing.

Security Deposit

Extraordinary security deposit management driven by system automation and leasing policies.

Save time and ensure accuracy with one-click security deposit reconciliations ndrefund management.

Lease Charges

Point and click configuration for defining various charges applicable for on-boarding leases, one-time or recurring charges, CAM, and utilities. 

Accounting software for property managers is Flexible, and easy charges are setup to address your unique business requirements.

Miscellaneous Charges and Credit Notes

A robust, yet elegantly simple process is in place for assessing miscellaneous fees such as charges related to property damage or the issuance of credit notes. 
These processes coupled with approval workflows, guarantee both compliance and accuracy.

Property Management Accounting

Our accounting software rewards your clients and investors with accurate property management accounting, real-time reports, and financial forecasting.

Management Fee calculators

Monthly and annual summarized financial statements.

Escrow management

Portfolio management and summarized portfolio statements with property portfolio accounting software.

Equity disbursement calculations and accounting.

Property Management Accounting
Project Accounting

Project Accounting

End-to-end project accounting coupled with budget and posting controls, empowers you to be in control of your financial planning, executions, and budgets with real estate budgeting software.

Purchase orders and variances management.

Invoice approvals and posting controls.

Budget and contingencies management.

Payables and disbursements through EFT (Electronic Fund Transfers).

Property accounting software for Fixed Assets and inventory accounting.

Don't just take our word for it:
our clients thrive on REDA!

“Since making the change to REDA, my monthly reporting process has gone down by 60%. I can now get data from all sources out of REDA, making our process more efficient and robust. After deploying REDA, all the teams and members can work closely and in highly efficient manner.”
Richard Neel
Accounting Controller
30+ Years Real-Estate Experience

Accounting Reports and Financial Statements

Financial Clarity at Your Fingertips

Financial Reports

With our financial management software, you can create effective standard formatted financial reports like P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, etc.

The Financial Report Builder tool allows you to configure specific reports as per your requirements.

Accounting Reports

Our real estate financial reporting software, Empowered with data and process centralization, configure infinite combinations of accounting reports using REDA native Report Builder tools.

REDA Business Process Automation

Have your accountants’ focus on important things by eliminating uneventful and redundant tasks.

REDA's point-and-click process automation tools empower users to streamline routine tasks and automate repetitive activities, resulting in substantial productivity enhancements. This ensures that resources are allocated for optimal efficiency and effectiveness.

Increase productivity with Enterprise Accounting


The open APIs provided by the REDA empower developers to extend the capabilities of the REDA platform, seamlessly integrate with external applications, create tailor-made solutions, and streamline business processes through automation.

Data Audit Trails

REDA data history tracking feature offers accountants the ability to maintain data integrity, meet compliance requirements, diagnose errors, analyze performance, support legal or dispute resolution processes, enhance user accountability, and gain valuable business insights. It serves as a valuable tool in data management, governance, and decision-making processes.


What accounting functionalities does REDA offer for property management?
How does REDA handle rent collection and payments?
Can REDA integrate with popular accounting software?
What financial reporting capabilities does REDA offer?
Can REDA handle invoicing for property-related services?
How does REDA contribute to reducing financial errors in property management?
How does REDA handle financial transactions securely?
Does REDA offer features for tracking and managing property-related expenses?
How does REDA handle financial communication with stakeholders?
How does REDA handle vendor payments and accounts payable?
Can REDA be customized to fit specific accounting needs of different businesses?
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