REDA Digital Experience

Centralized, omnichannel, and interconnected Digital Platform

Our intelligent, unified platform and centralized operations are driven by user experiences. It enables you to craft seamless workflows for all customer prospects, stakeholders, and residents.


Response Time




Tasks Automation

digital platform

Why Digital Experience is important!

Today, customers expect more. They expect callback options. They expect to open a chat window on your website, send a text or a tweet and get a near-instant reply. They expect that you already know who they are, and when they call, you’re aware of their most recent interaction so that you can understand what they need next. They don’t want to wait and repeat their information.

The good news? Great experiences reap great rewards, with 66% of customers now willing to pay a premium for them. This means that businesses have an opportunity to increase revenue by delighting their customers in a way that no one else can.

- Salesforce Research | State of the Connected Customer report

Connected Customer report

Secure and Connected Website

Enterprise hosting on REDA Platform powered by Salesforce.

Imagine your website, database, CRM, marketing, content, and all your operations in one centralized, automated platform talking seamlessly to each other !! Imagine REDA.

We leverage Salesforce Sites that enable you to host your branded, connected, and dynamic website. Our proprietary Content Management System (CMS) and pre-built APIs allow rapid deployments and save you tons of hours.

Embedded CRM Workflows

Simplify your web presence and improve customer experience with a website integrated with our Real Estate CRM, enabling you to deliver timely and personalized services.

Content Management

Completely control your web presence with our native Content Management System (CMS).

Manage all website content, including images, text content, video, AR/VR, and web forms linked to Property Management.

Dynamic Real-time Updates

No need to spend endless hours managing your asset listings with REDA. With AI- powered automation, you can easily manage unit availability for leasing and all listings on your website in real-time. Capture all form data to CRM processes seamlessly without any manual intervention.

Consent and Privacy Compliance

Improve data protection, enhance transparency and trust, avoid fines and legal penalties, and better manage data subject requests with REDA. 

With inbuilt GDPR compliance measures, demonstrate your commitment towards protecting the personal data of your visitors and build a stronger relationship.

Built-in SSL and Security

Powered by Salesforce, the world's foremost platform for technological innovations, REDA empowers you with futuristic security protocols and encryption technologies for unparalleled data protection.
Enhance your trust and reputation by protecting sensitive information, preventing cyber attacks, and improving compliance.

Web Analytics

Enjoy built-in support for Google Analytics, content views and conversion tracking to ensure you stay at the forefront of web presence optimization.

Google analytics

Empower your tenants, owners & stakeholders!

Our point-and-click portal configuration technology allows you to empower your tenants, owners and vendors with efficient tools to self service themselves to the extent of 60% plus. Thereby, reducing the workload on your support staff and putting them to the highest and best use.

point-and-click portal configuration
Tenant Portal

Provide a great experience to your tenants.

Tenants can view their ledger's outstanding balances, make payments, log maintenance requests, take action on renewals, and much more in one centralized platform - REDA.

Owner Portal

Ensure to put unit owners and investors in control with real time analytics. 
Owners can view account statements, log support requests, make payments, view critical financials, and pretty much seamlessly - digitally with ease.

Vendor Portal

Make your vendor management more efficient by making them part of project execution - digitally.  

Vendors can respond to estimate requests, provide project updates, track, and complete project tasks, view purchase orders, request payments, report variances, and much more.

Electronic Signatures

Electronic Signatures

Aim for 100% centralized and paperless operations

Fully integrated and connected templates for document generation and e-signatures with enhanced security features, workflow tracking, and centralized storage, thus resulting in a high amount of business potential and a fantastic tenant experience. 

Mobile - Accessible - Powerful

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حول رأس الخيمة


What digital channels does REDA support for tenant and stakeholder communication?
How does REDA enhance the online leasing experience for tenants and owners?
Can REDA integrate with online listing platforms for property marketing?
Can REDA assist in digitizing lease agreements and documentation?
Can REDA be customized to align with specific digital experience goals of real estate professionals?
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